
The Best Electronic Dart Board for Your Game Room in 2024

An electronic dart board is a modern version of the traditional bristle dartboard, designed to provide an interactive and convenient experience for dart enthusiasts. Unlike the classic board made of sisal fibers, an electronic dart board features a plastic or nylon surface embedded with numerous thin holes or segments. These segments are equipped with electronic sensors that detect and score the darts thrown onto the board.

The electronic dart board operates by utilizing a scoring system that calculates and displays the scores automatically. When a dart strikes the board, the embedded sensors identify the precise segment hit and instantly update the score on an LED or LCD display. This eliminates the need for manual scoring, reducing the chances of errors and allowing players to focus solely on their game.

One of the primary advantages of electronic dart boards is their versatility. Many models offer a wide range of built-in games beyond the traditional 301 and 501 games, such as cricket, round-the-clock, and various multiplayer modes. This variety keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging, catering to players of all skill levels.

Additionally, Best Electronic Dart Board often come with features like automatic player/team management, built-in speakers for sound effects or music, and even heckler voices to simulate a lively pub atmosphere. Some advanced models may also offer connectivity options, allowing players to track their statistics, compete online, or even stream their games to a larger audience.

Types of Electronic Dart Boards

Electronic dart boards come in two main varieties – soft tip and bristle tip. Soft tip boards have flexible plastic segments that allow the soft, plastic-tipped darts to stick into them. Bristle tip boards mimic traditional sisal fiber boards, using abrasive yet durable bristles to grip the steel-tipped darts.

Both types display scoring segments on an LCD or LED screen. LCD screens are more common on home-use models, while commercial boards in bars and clubs tend to use brighter LED screens for better visibility. The screen may be integrated into the board itself or a separate panel depending on the design.

In terms of cabinet styles, there are freestanding floor models, wall-mounted cabinets, and compact tabletop versions. Floor models provide the most authentic feel, mimicking a real dartboard setup. Wall mounts save floor space while tabletops offer ultimate portability for travel or limited room setups. Some higher-end models even rotate the board itself for easier access to missed darts.

Key Features to Consider

The playing area size is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing an electronic dart board. Larger boards, typically measuring 15.5 inches or more, provide a more realistic and challenging experience, mimicking the size of traditional bristle boards found in pubs and tournaments. Smaller boards around 13 inches can be suitable for tighter spaces but may feel cramped for experienced players.

Another key feature is the number of games and variations offered by the board. Top-tier models can have upwards of 50 or even 100 different games, including classics like 301, 501, and Cricket, as well as unique variations to keep things interesting. Some boards also allow you to customize game rules or create your own games, adding to the versatility.

Scoring options are also crucial, as they determine the level of accuracy and feedback you’ll receive. Look for boards with advanced scoring systems that can track not only the score but also valuable statistics like number of darts thrown, high scores, and player rankings. This data can help you analyze and improve your gameplay over time.

Finally, consider boards with “heckler” features, which add an extra layer of fun and challenge. These features can include realistic crowd noises, applause, or even verbal taunts and jeers, mimicking the atmosphere of a lively pub or tournament setting. While not essential, these extras can make for a more immersive and entertaining experience, especially when playing with friends or in a group setting.

Top Brands and Models

Electronic dart boards are available from a variety of manufacturers, each offering different features and price points. Some of the most popular and highly rated brands and models include:

Viper by GLD Products: Viper is a well-known brand in the electronic dart board market, known for its durability and accuracy. The Viper 797 and Viper 801 models are among their top-selling boards, featuring a wide range of games, customizable options, and high-quality LCD displays.

Bullshooter by Arachnid: Arachnid is a respected name in the dart board industry, and their Bullshooter line is a favorite among enthusiasts. The Bullshooter Orion and Bullshooter Cyber models offer advanced features like built-in speakers, multiple player modes, and various difficulty levels.

Winmau: Winmau is a British company with a long history in the dart board market. Their Blade 5 and Ton Machine models are highly regarded for their precision and easy-to-use interfaces. Winmau boards are often favored by tournament players and professionals.

Gran Board:

Gran Board is a popular choice for those seeking a high-quality electronic dart board at a more affordable price point. Their Gran Board 3 and Gran Board 3S models offer a wide range of games and features, making them an excellent value for the money.

Viper by Ezone: Another Viper brand, this time from Ezone, offers a range of electronic dart boards with unique features like built-in cameras for scoring and interactive gameplay. The Viper 777 and Viper 787 models are popular choices in this line.

Fat Cat: Fat Cat is a well-known brand in the gaming and recreation market, and their electronic dart boards are no exception. The Fat Cat Gladiator and Fat Cat Orion models are known for their durability and user-friendly interfaces.

These are just a few examples of the many brands and models available in the electronic dart board market. Each brand offers its own unique features, designs, and price points, so it’s essential to research and compare options to find the best fit for your needs and preferences.

Setting Up Your Electronic Dart Board

Proper setup is crucial for maximizing the enjoyment and safety of your electronic dart board. Here are some key considerations:


Most electronic dart boards are designed for wall mounting. Choose a location with ample clearance around the board, typically a minimum of 8-10 feet from the throwing line to the wall. Use sturdy wall anchors or mount the board on a wooden surface like plywood to ensure it remains securely in place.


Adequate lighting is essential for accurate dart throwing. Position your dart board in a well-lit area or install dedicated lighting above or around the board. Avoid glare or shadows that could interfere with your aim.

Clearance Requirements

In addition to the throwing distance, make sure you have sufficient ceiling height (at least 9 feet is recommended) and clearance on the sides and behind the board. Remove any obstacles or furniture that could obstruct your throwing path or pose a safety hazard.


Consider investing in a few accessories to enhance your dart board setup:

  • A sturdy mat or rug to stand on while throwing can provide better traction and stability.
  • A dart board cabinet or surround can protect your walls from errant throws and add a touch of style.
  • A scorer or digital display can simplify tracking scores and statistics during gameplay.
  • A dart holder or case keeps your darts organized and within reach.

Taking the time to set up your electronic dart board properly will ensure a safe, enjoyable, and long-lasting experience for you and your fellow players.

Playing Games and Scoring

Electronic dart boards offer a wide variety of game modes and scoring options to keep things interesting. The most popular games include classics like 301, 501, Cricket, and around the world. Many boards also include fun novelty games or challenges to mix things up.

One major advantage is the automatic scoring and stat tracking. The board calculates remaining points, keeps track of player turns, and can even display your running stats like high scores, averages, and more. This makes it easy to focus on your throws instead of math.

Some higher-end models even allow you to play online against friends remotely. The board connects to the internet and integrates with apps or platforms for head-to-head digital matchups. Stats and scores sync in real-time for a seamless online experience.

No matter your skill level, the scoring varieties and game mode selection on electronic boards ensure you’ll always have new challenges to improve your skills. And with automatic scoring, you can concentrate fully on your darts game without getting bogged down tallying points.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care are essential for ensuring your electronic dart board provides years of enjoyment and accurate gameplay. Regular cleaning, careful handling, and timely replacement of worn parts can significantly extend the lifespan of your board.

Proper Use and Handling

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and proper use of your electronic dart board. Avoid throwing darts with excessive force or at extreme angles, as this can damage the board and compromise scoring accuracy. Use only the recommended darts and tips to prevent unnecessary wear and tear on the board’s surface.


Regularly clean your electronic dart board to remove accumulated dust, dirt, and debris. Use a soft, dry cloth or a slightly damp cloth with mild soap and water to gently wipe down the board’s surface. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the board’s electronics or surface coating.

Replacing Parts

Over time, certain components of your electronic dart board may wear out or require replacement. Common replaceable parts include the board’s surface or segments, scoring displays, and power adapters. Consult your owner’s manual or contact the manufacturer for information on obtaining genuine replacement parts and instructions for proper installation.


If you encounter issues with your electronic dart board, such as inaccurate scoring, display malfunctions, or power problems, try troubleshooting before seeking professional repair. Check for loose connections, dead batteries (if applicable), or software glitches. Many manufacturers provide online resources, such as user manuals, FAQs, and troubleshooting guides, to help you resolve common issues.

By following these maintenance and care guidelines, you can ensure your electronic dart board remains in top condition, providing accurate and enjoyable gameplay for years to come.

Safety Considerations

While electronic dart boards are designed for safe indoor play, it’s important to take some precautions to prevent injuries. Proper supervision, especially for children, is crucial. Establish clear rules about appropriate throwing techniques and ensure players maintain a safe distance from the board and other players.

It’s recommended to use protective gear like dart board surrounds or cabinet enclosures to catch any errant throws. These not only protect players but also help prevent damage to walls or furniture. For extra safety, consider foam or plastic-tipped darts instead of sharp metal ones, especially when playing with younger children.

Proper throwing technique is essential for safe and accurate play. Players should stand at the designated throw line, typically 8 feet from the board, and throw with a smooth, underhand motion. Avoid overhand or side-arm throws, as these can cause the dart to veer off course. Instruct players to ensure the area around and behind the board is clear before throwing.

It’s also important to ensure the board is mounted securely to a wall or cabinet at the recommended height, typically 5.8 feet from the floor to the board’s center. This not only aids in accurate play but also prevents the board from becoming dislodged or falling, which could cause injury.

Buying Tips

When it comes to purchasing an electronic dart board, there are several factors to consider to ensure you get the best value for your money. First and foremost, determine your budget. Electronic dart boards can range from affordable options around $50 to high-end models costing several hundred dollars. Generally, more expensive boards offer better quality, more features, and longer durability.

Next, decide whether you want to buy online or in-store. Online shopping offers a wider selection and the convenience of comparing prices and reading reviews from other customers. However, buying in-store allows you to physically inspect the board and potentially negotiate a better deal.

Regardless of where you purchase, here are some key things to look for:

Build Quality: Look for boards made with durable materials like high-quality plastics or metal components. The board should feel sturdy and well-constructed.

Display: A clear and bright display is essential for keeping track of scores and game information. LCD or LED displays are preferred over older, dimmer technologies.

Scoring Capabilities: Consider how many games and scoring options the board offers. More advanced boards can handle a variety of games like cricket, round-the-clock, and more.

Segment Size: Larger segment sizes (the individual scoring areas) can make it easier to hit the intended target, especially for beginners or those with limited space.

Accessories: Check if the board includes essential accessories like darts, a catch area or cabinet, and mounting hardware.

Brand Reputation: Stick with reputable brands known for producing high-quality electronic dart boards. Research customer reviews and ratings to gauge overall satisfaction.

By considering your budget, purchase method, and the key features you need, you can find an electronic dart board that provides an enjoyable and long-lasting experience.

Benefits of Electronic Dart Boards

Electronic dart boards offer several advantages over traditional bristle boards, making them an excellent choice for both casual and competitive play. Here are some key benefits:

Fun and Engaging: These boards come loaded with a variety of exciting games and challenges, ensuring that you never get bored. From classic 301 and cricket to more unique options like round-the-clock and baseball, there’s something for everyone. The interactive displays and sound effects add to the overall enjoyment.

Competitive Play: Electronic dart boards provide an accurate and consistent scoring system, allowing for fair and competitive gameplay. Many models can keep track of player statistics, making it easy to track your progress and compete against your personal bests or other players.

Skill Development: Playing on an electronic board can help improve your hand-eye coordination, mental arithmetic, and overall dart-throwing skills. The ability to practice different games and track your scores can aid in identifying areas for improvement and refining your technique.

Social Activity: Dart games are a great way to bring people together, and electronic boards make it even more enjoyable. You can invite friends and family over for a friendly tournament or a night of friendly competition. Many boards support multiple players, allowing for simultaneous play and adding to the social aspect.

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